Almost all the objects we printed were very nice, with special thanks to Jo Schoenmakers( We used only airpressure to create our models, because our new extruder was not finished yet. Last weekend we were printing at the Keramisto event in Milsbeek (Netherlands). Next week we hope to show you more about printing with ceramics. So it has nothing to do with the quality of printing.
The strange misforming on the top of the tube model is because of some air that came out of the nozzle. But we are sure we can come higher, we were limited because of the model was 10 cm high in my design. Also the tube was a nice test how high we can go with the ceramics, about 10 cm we came. The first test were not good, but one images shows the final test wat already looks nice.

As you can see in the images you can see a square with more squares in it. We still have some problems with the speed of extruding, but we think that we made more improvement since last week.

You can also see that the mix looks a bit pink, but that will go away when you bake it. So we needed to adjust the mix to make it a bit more ticker. We made a new mix the evening before we printed, but the next morning the ceramic mix was changed. We tried to adjust the extruder, but it was more difficult than we tought. We experimented another day with printing ceramic. Syringe Adapter Head (from unfold: /thing:21074).If you would like to build your own, you will need the following things: We have also been creating different mixes of the ceramic, but we think that we have found a good mix that is strong enough to make thin walls. You could also buy a set of 50 pieces of one type of nozzle. We bought a set of different nozzles in order to experiment with different sizes and lengths of the nozzles. But we have 30 other different nozzles, so we will keep trying to get the right nozzle. We used a 0.5 mm, 1.2 mm and a 1.6 mm nozzle as an experiment. We have added a syringe holder and a few more parts to attach it to the printer. We have created an extruder based on the design of Unfold.